Companies have been troubled about a latest design trend, which seems to be very promising but comes with a lot of risks – the open office design. A lot of interior designers debate about the effectiveness of open spaces and whether it can truly help the office increase productivity or not. We agree that open office spaces are aesthetically more pleasing, but there are a few considerations that offices must make before planning an open office.
An office that promotes an open design doesn’t necessarily have to make every working space open and collaborative. Our designers put a lot of emphasis on conducting due diligence regarding the space requirements, the type of work that will be carried out and the company’s work culture to design an office that truly supports business growth.
Open workspaces can be productive, but they can also be distracting for some employees and collaborations may turn into long discussions beyond the actual topic of discussion. This can make the open space counter-productive and can affect business efficiency. With open offices becoming such a viral trend in workplaces, many companies apply it with weak insight into the actual requirements of their office and employees.
Workplaces must be designed not just to catch up with a new design trend. They must be useful for the employees and should be designed to catch up to the employee and business requirements. As a business owner, you cannot agree to using a workplace design that can have a negative impact on business productivity. Our interior designers agree that the focus for any office design should be the company’s workplace culture, the employees and business productivity. When used in combination with a layout that also offers employees individual space, an open design may work for your company.
If you have recently found yourself in an open office debate, then know this, that you are not the only one contemplating the pros and cons of this new design trend.