FurnitureInteriorModular kitchens a stream of limitless choices

August 18, 2016by ids

The kitchen is the soul of our home. Nobody can deny that. When we say modular kitchen people may think of that kitchen cabinet made of cherry wood or they may think of that granite countertop.

But the team of Interior Designs Studio believes that modular kitchen is more than that cabinet and countertop. For us the Modular kitchen is a stream of limitless choices.

Modular kitchens are the dream of every household and has gained enough popularity that there is no house plan without allocating space and price for them. Through out our journey in this field we came to know how people love to have a Modular kitchen in their houses.

With Interior Designs Studio’s arrival into this segment Modular kitchen became a basic amenity of every house than a luxury.

At Interior Designs Studio showrooms you will find that Modular kitchen furniture is an aggregation of several fittings available in diverse color patterns, styles and specs.

As Interior Designs Studio says, modular kitchen means a stream of limitless choices they also come in various modules such as sink and faucets, chimney, cabinets, shutters, shelves, pull out units, baskets and the door knobs and handles and what not.

The prevailing colors in the modular kitchen range are Red, Green, Yellow, Orange, Blue and Metallic gold and silver. These are the colors often seen in the market.

But you are not restricted to these limited colors and combinations. With Interior Designs Studio you can customize your kitchen as per your imagination and requirement and we really love customizing the models.

Our designers will take an account of your views and aspirations and design a modular kitchen that can best suit your purpose.

If you have to move to some other place, you can just rip the modules apart and take along with you and can be assembled at your new house.

The usability and functionality of the modular kitchens are matchless. They are undeniable choice for most of the working women and homemakers.

Interior Designs Studio modular kitchens are stylish and highly contemporary. The use of straight line cuts and designs are up to the mark and accentuate their finishing.

In our showrooms there is an abundance of choices in colors and patterns that you can choose from and make your kitchen unique.

Repairing the worn outs is easy with modular kitchens that you can do it on your own with fewer tools and zero hassles otherwise you have Interior Designs Studio’s after sales support.

Interior Designs Studio modular kitchens provide a lot of storage and are well planned and organized. Even in the smallest kitchens, space management is feasible. Cleaning and maintenance of modular kitchens is an easier task.

Modular kitchens are mostly available in pre fabricated form or ready to install. For Indian households modular kitchens are the best alternative to deal with the limited space since more storage is needed. The best thing about the Modular kitchen is that they can utilize the corner areas as well.